Introduction: Beats by Jose and Marc

This is a DIY for your very possess headphones.

Step 1: MATERIALS LIST W/PHOTO of Tagged Tools and Materials

-3.5 millimeter stereo jackstones

-28 AWG wire

-8 atomic number 60 magnets

-2 effervesce cups

-Electrical taping



You need to sand the ends of the wires because the electric contemporary needs to flow through the wire, and copper is a conductor of electrical energy. You need to scroll wire because the voice coil Acts as the temporary magnet and the magnet acts American Samoa the permanent magnet. The repelling of their magnetic fields causes the voice whorl to vibrate, in which vibrations farm sound waves in the air. We chose 40 coils because we tested divers amounts of coils, from 30 to 50, and found that 40 coils had the unexcelled quality and was the loudest. An AC is necessary in a speaker because it causes a arctic preference, which allows the electromagnet to repel and attract to the perpetual magnet. This makes the vibration.


A static magnet is needed because IT allows the terminable magnet (the voice coil) to move back and off using magnetism. This as wel allows otherwise components in the speaker to move. The total magnets we chose changed the quality in the music. Initially, we had only 4 magnets. 2 for each phone. But so we decided to contribute one more to each headphone. That resulted in a total of 6 magnets. We tried on the headphones, and the quality became a lot advisable. We thought that if we added more magnets, the prime would get better, so we added 2 many, ensuant in a unconditioned of 8 magnets. This gave the sound major quality, indeed we decided to stay with 8 magnets. The diaphragm material we chose was the sparkle cup. At first we tried the plastic cup. The euphony was audible, but not totally components in the birdsong were audible. So we definite to use the paper cup next. All components in the birdcall were audible, but the quality was quite low. Sol we tried out the last corporeal, the froth cup. The foam transfuse had the best intelligent loudness and clarity. Wholly components in the song were audible, and they sounded bettor than how they did in the paper cup. That is how we chose the diaphragm material.


You join the wires to the terminals aside tying 2 of the copper ends of the wire together, each copper end of each sparkle loving cup. The other 2 cop ends from the wires are connected to the terminals of the aux plug, 1 wire in each of the 2 holes. You need to connect them to the terminals because the terminals are what connect your headphones to the device. The wires motivation to be sanded because when the wire is sanded, it removes the red covering. The red covering is an insulator. It doesn't carry the electricity, or the waves therein case. When the insulator is removed, it allows the waves to enter the wire. Dependable waves are produced by the vibrations from the voice coil. The AC is important because it allows the vocalization coil to attract and repel. The AC constantly switches the attractive forces between the voice coil and the magnet. When the coil moves, it pushes and pulls the cone shape. This vibrates the melodic line in front of the speaker, creating sound waves.

Step 5: Footstep 5: TROUBLESHOOTING

If you don't hear sound, render adjusting the position of the magnet or the wires. Make sure the wires are roughly the magnet itself and no other coils are bump off or tangled. You terminate also try adding Sir Thomas More magnets or coils, because that bequeath strengthen the magnetic fields and make better sound timber.


1.Cut 5 foot of wire(about 3 arm lengths)

2.Sand about 15 cm of both ends of the wire

3.Begin coiling the wire around a pencil about 40 times

4.Clear sure that the coils aren't spread apart and tightly compact

5.Once done with that, remove the curlicue off of the pencil and put it aside for now

6.Get the aux plug and construction the elastic persona off of the plug

7.Tie some ends of the wire to the ii terminals of the aux plug

8.Grab your magnets and place unmatched on the bottom of the outside of the cup and place the others on the inside. Arrive at sure the inside magnets are attracted to the outside magnet

9.Place the circular part of the wire onto the attractor. Make a point the magnets are in the middle

10.Place tape onto the wire and the magnet to keep it down

11.Plug the aux corduroy into any desired device with an aux plug away hole

12.Play the music or any sound on the device and test whether the headphones process or not(adjusting the wires may service if it doesn't work)

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